The podcast highlights St. Paul’s achievement as a national winner in Communities in Bloom, showcasing the commitment to beautification and community…

Notice of Development Permit
Take notice that the following Development Permit(s) have been approved by the Municipal Planning Commission on April 17, 2024 in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw No. 2021-04 of the Town of St. Paul: Permit NO. DP 010-024
For information or viewing of the development permit application, please contact the undersigned at 780-645-8540 to arrange an appointment.
Any persons wishing to appeal the above decision must do so by filing a written “SDAB - NOTICE OF APPEAL FORM” together with a $500.00 fee to the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) Box 1480, St. Paul, Alberta T0A 3A0 no later than May 9, 2024 at 4:30pm.
Aline Brousseau
Development Officer/
Director of Planning & Legislative Services