Area Structure Plan

What is an Area Structure Plan (ASP)?

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) provides direction for long term land use and infrastructure planning of a defined area within a municipality.

Does the Town have any adopted ASPs?

Currently the Town of St. Paul has no ASPs that have been adopted by Council.

Does the Town have any ASPs in progress?

Through a grant, the Town of St. Paul & the County of St. Paul No. 19 are working on the St. Paul North Intermunicipal Area Structure Plan (IASP). This project started in the summer of 2021 and is expected to continue in to early 2025.

First reading of this plan will be given at the January 27, 2025 Town & County Council meetings. [Link to Agenda - Agenda Item is #7.7]

A public hearing was held at a Town Council meeting on February 24, 2025.  Town Council passed a motion to table this item to allow further engagement with stakeholders.

A public hearing was held at a County Council meeting on February 25, 2025.

Major Area Structure Plans (ASPs)

A Major ASP means a long-range land use and servicing plan adopted by bylaw and prepared in accordance with the Municipal Government Act. The Major ASP is prepared for a large land base typically consisting of one or more quarters section of land that has an anticipated build out of five-years or more. The Major ASP provides a high-level framework for future land use patterns and infrastructure provision, and involves a Major Development or an industrial or commercial subdivision exceeding 3 lots, or a residential subdivision exceeding 6 lots, and any subdivision located in proximity to a highway when required by Alberta Transportation.

  • St. Paul North Area Structure Plan (ASP) with the County of St. Paul (this project started in Summer 2021).

The Major Area Structure Plan shall address the following:

  • Conformity with the IDP, MDP and the LUB;
  • Impacts on adjacent land uses and mitigation methods;
  • Provision of trails and connections to the broader network;
  • Access and internal circulation;
  • Methods of water and sanitary service and stormwater management complying with the Town’s municipal servicing standards;
  • Allocation of municipal, environmental, and conservation reserve;
  • Suitability of the development site in terms of soil stability, groundwater level, and drainage;
  • A method by which developers pay for off-site costs;
  • Biophysical Assessment;
  • Environmental Site Assessment;
  • Geotechnical Assessment;
  • Servicing Design Briefing;
  • Traffic Impact Assessment; and
  • Public Engagement Briefing.

Minor Area Structure Plans (ASPs)

A Minor ASP means a land use and servicing plan adopted by bylaw and prepared in accordance with the Municipal Government Act for a small land base, typically covering one quarter section of land or less. It provides a site-specific, detailed framework for rezoning, subdivision and development, and addresses land use, density, infrastructure and the staging of development.

The Minor Area Structure Plan shall address the following:

  • Conformity with the IDP, MDP and the LUB;
  • Impacts on adjacent land uses and mitigation methods;
  • Provision of trails and connections to the broader network;
  • Access and internal circulation;
  • Methods of water and sanitary service and stormwater management complying with the Town’s municipal servicing standards;
  • Allocation of municipal, environmental, and conservation reserve;
  • Suitability of the development site in terms of soil stability, groundwater level, and drainage; and
  • A method by which developers pay for off-site costs.

Conceptual Scheme or Outline Plan

The Town may require the preparation of a Conceptual Scheme or Outline Plan, before rezoning, subdivision and/or development of any parcel which will be subdivided into 3 or more lots consisting of less than 2.0 hectares of developable land (excluding municipal reserve lands).

A Conceptual Scheme or Outline Plan, is a plan for a proposed multi-parcel subdivision and how it relates to:

  • existing and future parcels;
  • future subdivision and development of adjacent areas;
  • access;
  • servicing, and;
  • reserves.