E-Billing: Sign Up!

Effective March 1, 2023

Effective March 1, 2023, a $2.00 fee will be charged for paper utility invoices.

To ensure you avoid a paper statement fee, please sign up for E-billing before March 1, 2023 and your invoices will be sent directly to the email you provide.

Starting January 2025, monthly Utility Billing will begin.

Please note that at this time, Ebilling is available for homeowners only.

If you are a tenant, you are not able to sign up without your landlord signing up as well. With that being said, also note that you do not need to sign up if your landlord has previously registered for this service at the rental property.

Information on Utilities Rate Increase

The Town of St. Paul has recently completed an in-depth Water and Wastewater Rate Study to ensure the long-term sustainability of our water and wastewater infrastructure. Based on the findings of this study, the Town has implemented several changes to utility rates, including an increase in fixed charges for water and wastewater services, as well as the introduction of new capital replacement charges for both utilities.

This study was done with the intention of getting the Water and Wastewater Utility to be a cost recovery service.  This will allow for property tax dollars to be spent where they are needed.  

In January 2025, the Town will move to monthly utility billing.  When this happens, the charges will be reduced by half, so as to be a monthly number, instead of a bi-monthly number.  Except for the Mailed Billing Charge ($2.00), which will remain a per bill charge.  Consumption charges will also be based on 1 month of usage.

Changes to the Water and Wastewater charges are as follows:

  Bi- Monthly Bill Bi- Monthly Bill Monthly Bill
Charge Jan - June 2024 July - Dec 2024 Starting Jan. 2025
Fixed Water Charge $28.76 $34.00 $17.00
Water Capital Replacement N/A $14.00 $7.00
Water Consumption Rate $1.60/ Cubic Meter $1.31/ Cubic Meter $1.31/ Cubic Meter
Fixed Sewer Service Charge $26.76 $72.20 $36.10
Sewer Capital Replacement N/A $7.00 $3.50
Sewer Consumption Rate $1.20/ Cubic Meter $1.00/ Cubic Meter $1.00/ Cubic Meter

Mailed Bill Charge remains at $2.00 per bill.  No change.

Access the Bylaw here: Bylaw 2024-11; Water & Sewer Bylaw

Further details can be accessed here: 2024 Utility Rates - Media Release

Did you know we continue to live stream Regular Council Meetings & Committee of the Whole Meetings? Visit our website page dedicated to the live stream, agenda and previously recorded meetings: https://www.stpaul.ca/townhall/live-stream-meetings

Sign Up for E-Billing

The Town of St. Paul is now offering a free e-Billing option to customers with Utility accounts. With this service customers can opt-out of receiving a paper invoice through the mail and instead elect to receive their Utility Invoice via e-mail.

To get started, simply fill out the form below.  

Choosing to sign up for e-Billing will not affect the way you pay your Utility invoices. Customers will continue to have the following options for payment: at your bank, through the mail, Online/Telephone banking,in-person by Cash, Cheque, Visa, MasterCard, and Interac. An after-hours drop-box is available for use at the front entrance of the Town Office.

PLEASE NOTE: If you change your email address, you will be responsible for contacting the Utilities Department with your new information. Non-receipt of your e-Bill is not justification for late payment and penalties will apply. If you do not receive your expected e-Bill or have further questions about e-Billing, please contact the Utilities Department at 780-645-4481.


The home owner is required to opt in, in order for the tenant to be eligible to receive their invoice via e-billing.

Automatic enrollment in future paperless notifications such as Tax Notices, Statements, Business/Animal License Renewals, etc.

By selecting accept from the drop down menu, I signify that I, the subscriber, have read and agree to the terms as follows:

  • The e-statements for notices/bills will be provided to the subscriber via email, as a PDF attachment, to the email address listed above.
  • It is the subscribers' responsibility to provide the correct email address to the Town of St. Paul and to inform Town of St. Paul in writing of any changes to this address. Non-receipt is not justification for late payment and penalties will not be waived as a result.
  • When you agree to the terms and conditions of this service you will no longer receive a paper copy of your notice/bill.
  • In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a person who opts to receive notices by electronic means is presumed to have received the documentation within 7 days of it being sent. 


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