Development Permit Exemptions List

About this public listing

This list above does not represent all exempted projects granted by the Development Officer as some property owners choose not to apply officially in writing with the department.  The department is providing this official exemption as an option if property owners so choose.

As all exemptions are stamped and signed by the Development Officer, some property owners have found it helpful to apply for the exemption so that the document can be provided to:

  • a future owner as proof that a development permit was not required at the time the project was started,
  • your hired contractor,
  • The Inspections Group Inc. when you apply for any other safety codes permit, or
  • The Town of St. Paul reception when you apply for a business licence.


Sign Maintenance at ATB / 4801-50 Avenue

Tax Roll #:  607
Street Address:  4801-50 Avenue
Description of Work: Sign Maintenance in existing cabinets
Date Approved:  March 20, 2024

Office Space / 4526-53 Avenue

Tax Roll #:  2385
Street Address:  4526-53 Avenue
Description of Work: Office Space | Ref. transfer of DP #056-18 to J. Post Haulage
Date Approved:  May 2, 2024

Landscaping & Deck / 4613-50 Avenue

Tax Roll #:  493
Street Address:  4613-50 Ave
Description of Work: Landscaping and Deck (stage area)
Date Approved:  July 2, 2024


2023 List

Tax Roll # Street Address Description of Work Date the exemption was approved
1679 4913-50 Ave

Health Service - Living Sounds Hearing Centre

Ref: Building was previously used & issued as a health service facility - DP #1851

January 25, 2023
1995 4722-55 Ave Seacan - exempted from obtaining a DP in the Industrial District - M (Section 5.18.5) March 13, 2023
1269 5035-50 Ave

Eating Establishment

Ref: Building was previously used & issued for this use with DP 049-18

April 25, 2023
2299 5706-46 Ave


DP exempt under Section 7.1.29

June 7, 2023
598 4901-50 Ave Relocation of ATM June 23, 2023
1016 4701-50 Street Fence Maintenance July 13, 2023



2022 List

Tax Roll # Street Address Description of Work Date the exemption was approved
2001 5014-56 St Signage Update Feb 15, 2022
1113 4829-50 Ave Mobile Business Mar 14, 2022
2773 4042 Lakeshore Drive Dayhome April 11, 2022
2068 5010-40A Street

Auto detailing business & signage

Ref:  DP 046-19

Sept 29, 2022
545 5102-50 Avenue

Alcohol Sales (Liquor Store) & Signage

Ref: DP 006-22

October 4, 2022
2687 4801-39 Street

Fascia Sign Update - Name change

Ref: DP 039-21

November 10, 2022
2826 4928-50 Avenue

Retail Store

Ref: Building was previously used & issued as a retail store

November 22, 2022
624 4709-50 Avenue

Office Use

Ref: DP 3477

December 15, 2022