The mandate of FCSS is preventive social support and programming. FCSS has created a system that relies on local knowledge and leadership, and the unique…

Media Release: Utility Rates Increase
The Town of St. Paul has recently completed an in-depth Water and Wastewater Rate Study to ensure the long-term sustainability of our water and wastewater infrastructure. Based on the findings of this study, the Town has implemented several changes to utility rates, including an increase in fixed charges for water and wastewater services, as well as the introduction of new capital replacement charges for both utilities.
This study was done with the intention of getting the Water and Wastewater Utility to be a cost recovery service. This will allow for property tax dollars to be spent where they are needed.
In January 2025, the Town will move to monthly utility billing. When this happens, the charges will be reduced by half, so as to be a monthly number, instead of a bi-monthly number. Except for the Mailed Billing Charge ($2.00), which will remain a per bill charge. Consumption charges will also be based on 1 month of usage.
Changes to the Water and Wastewater charges are as follows:
Bi- Monthly Bill | Bi- Monthly Bill | Monthly Bill | |
Charge | Jan - June 2024 | July - Dec 2024 | Starting Jan. 2025 |
Fixed Water Charge | $28.76 | $34.00 | $17.00 |
Water Capital Replacement | N/A | $14.00 | $7.00 |
Water Consumption Rate | $1.60/ Cubic Meter | $1.31/ Cubic Meter | $1.31/ Cubic Meter |
Fixed Sewer Service Charge | $26.76 | $72.20 | $36.10 |
Sewer Capital Replacement | N/A | $7.00 | $3.50 |
Sewer Consumption Rate | $1.20/ Cubic Meter | $1.00/ Cubic Meter | $1.00/ Cubic Meter |
Mailed Bill Charge remains at $2.00 per bill. No change.
Access the Bylaw here: Bylaw 2024-11; Water & Sewer Bylaw
Further details can be accessed here: 2024 Utility Rates - Media Release
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